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Acne Scar Treatment Specialist

Heba Farag, MD, FACOG -  - OB/GYN

Orange County Laser and Wellness Center

Heba Farag, MD, FACOG

OB/GYN, Aesthetics & Wellness Center located in Mission Viejo, CA

If your acne scars are serving as a constant reminder of your younger awkward years, then it may time to do something about it. At Orange County Laser and Wellness Center in Mission Viejo, California, Heba Farag, MD, FACOG, wants you to feel well on the inside and out, offering noninvasive laser treatments to reduce the appearance of acne scars and give you smoother skin. To schedule a consultation, call the office today to request an appointment.

Acne Scar Treatment

What causes acne scars?

Acne scars develop when your inflamed acne causes a tear in your skin pore. Your skin attempts to heal the tear with collagen fibers. Unfortunately, your body’s attempt at repairing the tear doesn’t always leave your skin smooth.

There are two primary types of acne scars, including:

  • Hypertrophic: raised scar tissue
  • Atrophic: depressed scar tissue

No matter what type of acne scar you have, Dr. Farag may be able to improve the look and tone of your skin with her laser treatment. In addition to acne scars, Dr. Farag also uses her laser treatment to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

How does laser acne scar treatment work?

Dr. Farag uses the Icon™ aesthetic laser system to treat acne scars. The advanced aesthetic tool uses fractional laser light beams that target scars and heal the damaged tissue. The laser energy breaks down the scar tissue and stimulates the generation of new skin cells to revitalize your look and the health of your skin.

The revolutionary Icon laser naturally stimulates your body to create new tissue, which means no painful side effects. The laser treatment is safe for all skin types, including very fair and very dark skin, and is gentle enough to use on the face.

What can I expect during acne scar treatment?

Dr. Farag performs acne scar treatment at the office. Your treatment session lasts about 30 minutes. To get the best results, Dr. Farag recommends a series of three to five treatments.

During treatment, you may feel some discomfort as the laser targets your skin, but you can resume your normal activities immediately following your procedure. You may notice some redness and swelling at the treatment site, but these side effects are temporary, and you can use ice packs if needed to reduce the effects.

After acne scar treatment you need to avoid direct sunlight for up to 48 hours and limit any physical activity that causes you to sweat for up to 24 hours. Dr. Farag is an aesthetic expert and provides specific instructions for you based on the type of treatment you received.

To learn more about acne scar treatment, call Orange County Laser and Wellness Center to rquest an appointment.

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